Lectures and Teaching


“Call-Out Culture and the Jewish Tradition.” Congregation Bet Ha’am, ME (July 29, 2018)

“Call-Out Culture and the Jewish Tradition.” Beth Israel Congregation, ME (July 8, 2018)


“Cheese and the City: Kashrut and Community.” Fort Tryon Jewish Center, NY (May 27, 2017)


“Magic: Practicing the Prohibited.” Camp Ramah Outdoor Adventure, CO (July 2, 2016)


“How Important is the Truth?” Camp Ramah Outdoor Adventure, CO (June 28, 2016)


“Tzedakah:  To Whom to Give?” Camp Ramah Nyack, NY (July 20, 2015)


“Open Your Hand and Give… to Someone.” Fort Tryon Jewish Center, NY (May 25, 2015)

2014 – Present

“Living a Jewish Life” (annual 15 session adult education course) Fort Tryon Jewish Center, NY


“Rebuke and Speech Ethics.” Fort Tryon Jewish Center (Sept, 25, 2014)


“Evil Speech and Rebuke.” Temple Beth Shalom, MA (Aug. 9, 2014)


Director of Education (Summers 2012-2013); Teacher (Summers 2009-2011) Camp Ramah in the Berkshires


“Introduction to the Hebrew Bible” (5 session adult education course) Kehillat Ma’arav Synagogue, CA


“Introduction to the Hebrew Bible” (10 session adult education course) Sutton Place Synagogue, NY

Invited Blog Posts


“Talmudic Manuscripts: Redeeming or Destroying our Textual Heritage?” for thegemara.com (in preparation)

“God, Judaism, and Divine Law.” Speaking of Text, Jewish Theological Seminary